About Us
We are a Georgia Licensed 501c3 nonprofit with the purpose of saving animals locally and transporting them to no-kill shelters in the north.
Southern Journey Animal Rescue and Transport, Inc. is a humane animal welfare organization whose mission is to help stop the euthanizing of homeless dogs and cats in Metro-Atlanta animal control shelters. We work towards this mission through rescue, transport and spay/neuter programs. The issue occurring in Metro-Atlanta area is pet overpopulation. Over 100,000 pets are euthanized each year in Metro-Atlanta shelters. In comparison to the state of Massachusetts; one of our transport receiving states, they have a no-kill status in ninety-percent of their animal shelters unless it is determined to euthanize under certain circumstances. Northern states have better laws, better education and improved local adoptions. Most northern pet owners have to be placed on a waiting list just to adopt their forever animal. Georgia is in need of rescuing as many animals as possible to avoid euthanasia in this state, while Massachusetts cannot find enough family friendly dogs to adopt. Southern Journey Animal Rescue and Transport, Inc. can help Georgia and the northern states with this transport program by transferring unwanted southern dogs to wanted homes in the north. Along with the spay and neuter efforts of Southern Journey Animal Rescue and Transport, Inc. all animals that are transported are spayed and neutered upon arrival to any northern no-kill facility which further decreases overpopulation of these animals. The need for this program is great, as euthanasia rates in Metro-Atlanta continue to remain at exhaustingly high levels, these rates must decline to protect the animals of Metro-Atlanta.

Please consider donating
to help keep our transports going
Our Mission
Southern Journey Animal Rescue and Transport, Inc. currently transports thirty to seventy dogs per month to the Northeast states. Funding is provided by local businesses, friends and family. Southern Journey’s process of transport begins by visiting the Metro-Atlanta animal shelters. We have no particular breed of choice. We look for family-friendly animals with no aggression or life debilitating illness and we begin to get to know their personalities. We take them for a walk to see how they will handle a stranger and being on a lease. We also speak with the staff of the shelter and volunteers to get their personal opinions on each animal behavioral status. After, we have determined their adoptability we take pictures and send them to receiving shelter in the north the receiving shelter in return will approve or disapprove the dog based on our judgment and their visual judgment. If the animal is approved we take the dog to the veterinarian for a health check-up. Most animals come out of the shelter vaccinated with rabies, distemper and bordatella. They have usually also had a heartworm test. As long as all vaccines are current they receive a check-up and an all clear from veterinarian. If they are in need of any vaccination or test procedure we have that done by a veterinarian. Once each animal is given a health approval they can be transferred into our boarding facility. Each dog with any medical problems that require medication and/or isolation are cared for in our isolation room that is only entered by one person and with proper protection. The facility has room for thirty dogs to be boarded in stainless-steel cages or stainless steel runs and ten to fifteen dogs in isolation to be boarded in stainless-steel cages.
Each animal will be given twenty-four hour care with fresh water and food at all times with temperature controlled by either heat or air according to outside weather. The animal are cleaned at least three times per day, given clean bedding and if at no health risk are able to run free alone or with other animals safely All feces are removed from premises’ and transported by a paid waste service. We are required to quarantine each animal for two weeks prior to transport. Each animal is given a de-wormer (panacure) for seven days prior to leaving the facility to ensure no transfer of any transferable viruses to the receiving shelter(s). Each animal also receive flea, tick and heartworm preventatives prior to leaving the facility. Within three days prior to transport a licensed veterinarian completes a state required transport health certificate for each animal and gives each animal a clear health check for transport or an unhealthy for travel and the unhealthy animals will go to isolation and receive further treatment to complete any health requirements for travel. Once the animals have passed their health check for transport they are ready for transport. The animals are loaded upon an extra, large bus or van with controlled temperatures inside, clean crates with water bottles and will receive small amounts of food along the way. The drivers must have a clear driving record and knowledge of the animal’s needs. Once they have arrived safely at the receiving shelter in the north the animals will be isolated and go through another health inspection by a licensed veterinarian and if not spayed or neutered prior to arrival the animal will be altered immediately. Within a week ninety percent of the animals transported have been adopted into family-friendly homes. Currently, over one-thousand animals have been saved due to this transport.

Southern Journey Animal Rescue and Transport, Inc. facility is currently located in a separate building on owned property separate from our personal home. This space was renovated to meet all requirements in boarding animals for the rescue. The boarding of Southern Journey animals is at no charge at this facility. The facility is set up with temperature control, refrigerator for medications and an exam table to clean ears, eyes and trimming nails. The facility also includes stainless steel crates and runs for safety and hygienic purposes. The facility has cleanable floors and walls. It also has an isolation room and an exhaust fan to remove any cleaning chemicals or foul odors that may occur. About 1/8 of an acre has been properly fenced for the animals to have time outdoors if their health allows them. No animals under one year are allowed outside for their protection against any transferable disease unless they have completed all rounds of vaccines. The facility is disinfected and cleaned at least two times per day. All of this has been implemented for the safety and comfort of the animals during their two week quarantine stay at the facility.
In the future for Southern Journey Animal Rescue and Transport, Inc. we hope to raise funds to purchase a personalized vehicle to extend our services further throughout the state of Georgia. Building a strong and supportive volunteer base which will help with caring for the animals, transporting the animals from the shelters and to doctor appointments among other needs and helping with fundraisers. Southern Journey’s goal would be to rescue and transport two-thousand animals a year to northern states. To expand to other regions or states, help control overpopulation with spaying and neutering and increase education of animal care to the general public.
The above described activities further the Applicant's charitable and educational purposes. The regulations governing exemption eligibility for organizations described under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code are found at 26 CFR 1.501(c)(3)-1. The term "charitable" is defined in section 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(2) to include "prevention of cruelty to animals". By rescuing these animals from animals control shelters, caring for them and transporting them to loving homes we are preventing both cruelty and death for these animals.